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We encourage parental involvement as a means of strengthening the family spirit, which has been a strong tradition at St. Cecilia. This commitment is reflected in the Plan P tuition plan, which is not only a financial commitment but also an opportunity for families to share their talents and resources with St. Cecilia School and Parish for the benefit of the entire community.

Tuition Plan P

Kindergarten-8th Grade
  • One child: $9,760
  • Two children: $9,760 + $7,320 (25% discount) = $17,080
  • Three or more children: $9,760 + $7,320 (25% discount) + $7,320 (25% discount) = $24,400
Transitional Kindergarten
  • Per child: $10,470
  • One sibling in K-8: $10,470 + $7,320(25% discount) = $17,790
  • Two siblings in K-8: $10,470 + $7,320(25% discount) + $7,320 (25% discount) = $25,110

Tuition Plan NP

Kindergarten-8th Grade
  • Child is not Catholic, or
  • Child is Catholic, but parents do not contribute to the community life of the parish, and
  • Parents do not use the Sunday envelopes regularly

  • One child: $11,710
  • Two children: $11,710 + $11,710 = $23,420
  • Three children: $11,710 + $11,710 + $11,710 = $35,130
Transitional Kindergarten
  • Per child: $10,470
  • One sibling in K-8: $10,470 + $11,710 = $22,180
  • Two siblings in K-8: $10,470 +11,710 + 11,710 = 33,890

All families must be enrolled in Blackbaud Tuition, which is our tuition management system.

Admissions Priority
  • First: Sibling of current student
  • Second: Catholic and a registered and participating member of St. Cecilia Parish
  • Third: Catholic but not registered or participating at St. Cecilia Parish
  • Fourth: Non-Catholic student

Annual Building and Maintenance Fee

Annual Building and Maintenance Fee : $300 per family. This Annual Building and Maintenance fee of $300.00 per family supports the upkeep of the school and facilities on campus. The fee will be billed at $30 per month in your Blackaud tuition account.

Financial Aid Information

Financial Aid

The Archdiocese of San Francisco offers financial aid to students based on proven need and available funding.

Basic Fund

Financial Aid is available through the Basic Fund. This aid is available to new students enrolling in private school for the first time and current families who have a new sibling coming into the school. Families currently receiving aid from Basic Fund, need to reapply each year. Instructions are available at beginning in January.

TADS Financial Aid

Additionally, the Archdiocese offers financial aid through a company called TADS. To use the TADS Financial Aid online application, go to